Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Textual analysis of language in rock magazines- what language and content will I put in my magazine?

Below I have taken an article from a double page spread from my style model (Kerrang) and deconstructed it in order to thoroughly see and understand the techniques and language used in an article so that I can apply it to my own double page spread, making it as realistic and professional as possible- always in keeping with my genre.

This was the amount of text that was shown on most of the double page spreads in Kerrang. It may seem as an easy way out but this is the amount of writing I will be doing in the double page spread of my magazine because I feel the main focus is on the band through the imagery of the photographs and the text isn't ignored but it is short and features a catch up with the band or artist.

As seen in my annotations below, dietic words such as "negative, punk, attitude" are used to with hold the representation that the magazine is trying to convey and that I will try to convey with my own magazine.

With all the elements of my magazine individually dealt with I feel I can now start piecing bits together to create a complete magazine look that is specific to my target audience and genre

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